Thursday, August 10, 2006

AdSense Content or AdSense Search?

AdSense Content or AdSense Search?

These are different programs and work in different ways. AdSense Content places ads on your web pages, and you make money when a site visitor clicks on the ad.
With AdSense Search, you put a Google search box, on your site. The AdSense search box displays Google search results when a user enters a query. These search results show relevant ads. You receive a portion of the revenue generated when a visitor uses your search box and then clicks on an ad from the search results returned by Google.

Is AdSense Content or AdSense Search right for your site? It's hard to say, and there's very little reason not to try both to see which works best.
From a general viewpoint, AdSense Content works best on destination sites. If visitors to your site tend to linger a while, and regard your site as conferring some authority on the ads you present, then AdSense Content will probably work well.
On the other hand, if your site is a way station leading toward further information (usually on other sites), then it is probable that visitors will frequently use AdSense search if it is available on your site, and this program may make you quite a bit of money.
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